提供的JMJD2A tudor结构域(人源重组蛋白)(100 ug)产品形式为:50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, containing 150 mM sodium chloride and 20% glycerol 产品形式 Tudor domains are small protein structural motifs of about ~50 amino aci...
Recombinant Human KDM4A / JHDM3A / JMJD2A protein (Tagged)登录可见 货号:ab176943-20ug 规格: 20ug 20ug 计量单位:支 品牌:Abcam/艾博抗(经销) 区域:北京 交货周期:现货(7天) 运杂费: 登录后可查看运杂费 +-加入购...
Page Printed2014-05-01 OP-0022 Complete Solutions EpigeneticsEPIGENTEK ...alsoisolates very abundant yields nuclearextract from mammalian cells tissue...Add DTT Solution icecold diluted NP1 (1X) 1:1000ratio. Re-suspend ...
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Monoclonal Anti-DNP antibody, Human IgG1 (N297A) Isotype Control Catalog # DNP-MB273 For Research Use Only, Not For Use In Diagnostic Or Therapeutic Procedures Basic Information: Species Reactivity Human Host Cells HEK293...
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